Andover Borough Office of Emergency Management

October 26, 2012 - Hurricane Sandy is predicted to hit our area late Sunday October 28, 2012 with heavy rains and sustained winds of 45-60MPH with gusts upto 75MPH.  This storm is being deemed 'dangerous' and residents are encouraged to pre-plan and shelter in place during the storm.

ABOEM will be invovled with NJOEM and SCOEM in monitoring the storms progression.

Please report any fire or medical emergencies to 9-1-1 immediately.  DO NOT CALL 9-1-1 to report down trees or wires unless threatening life or property.  You may also report down wires to your appropriate utility company.

To report downed trees, wires or flooding please contact Andover Township Police dispatch at 973-383-5544 or NJ State Police at 973-383-1515.  Please be courteous and patient when dealing with the emergency dispatchers as they will be under a tremendous amount of stress during what will be a very busy time fielding both phone and radio communications.

OEM Coordinator Scott Danielson can be reached at 973-343-1871 or Deputy OEM Coordinator John Hoag at 862-268-3508.

·         Keep a flashlight and extra batteries handy.  Use care when burning candles; open flames are a fire hazard.

·         Gather extra blankets or a sleeping bag for each person.  Do not use gas stoves, kerosene heaters or other open-flame heat sources to  prevent deadly carbon monoxide gas from building up in your home.

·         If you have a water well and pump, keep an emergency supply of bottled water and/or fill your bathtub with fresh water.

·         Stock an emergency supply of convenience foods that do not require cooking.

·         Keep a battery-powered radio with extra batteries on hand.  Tune in to a local radio station for current storm information.

·         Have a hard-wired telephone or a charged cell phone handy in the event you need to report your electricity is out.  Mobile phones can be charged in your vehicle using a car charger when power is out.  If you have a smart phone, this will ensure you have access to online information sources.


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